Friday, August 30, 2019

Pastors of Perversion

With all the openness of the occult, I am disappointed by adolescent adventures of the playful perverted pastors of today's hermetic societies. Google them if you will for horror stories of molestation and other forms of bothering a woman or her aspirant and they all pale in comparison to the childish challenges of those seeking competence despite being labeled a Master. Much like the boyhood they claimed to have graduated from, you offer love, they want prostitution. You offer prostitution, they want love. Or, you offer Agape, they want hatred, you offer hatred, they want Agape; or should I say, a petty means of inflating their ego because they are the same social outcasts and misfits they were growing up. Much like the pimple faced, braces wearing geek in high school who all the girls teased who because a well off tech genius or the sort, the attaining magician of today's society wants to tease, beat and neglect The Pretty Woman as some disillusioned revenge against her kind from twenty or thirty years ago. My apologies Master, since you're so hellbent or bound on receiving one, I didnt know Becky or Veronica hurt you so badly that you must treat every ordeal triumphing, quick on her feet female magician as ugly, weak, passive aggressive, victim written, melancholy and worrisome. I won't be your Mommy, Master. I am your Sister after once being your Guest. You aren't half the beast you want our male colleagues to think you are and you wouldn't last as long as I have on my Path. I dont need your acceptance of my Way. To hell with you. I hit hard and low. And despite your efforts there is nothing about me that you can mistake for slow. Still to your giggly whores that want fantasy and association instead our reason for establishment. Give them the respect you denied me, give them the pardon you refused me, give them my honor that you ignore. It serves you right consoler. I've done Had enough. Bitch, He'll kill you.

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