Friday, November 23, 2018

Do You Love Me?

He sat there and pondered my nonchalance to my own affirmative answer. Do I love you? Do I love you? Boy or Man, I dont know as to which to refer to you, but you knew the answer to the question before you asked. You've watched me, begrudgingly listened to me and secretly admired me. You know of my focus and my direction and you are more than aware of where I stand. Yet, you bother to waste additional precious energy on a gratuitous question. Do I love you? Since I became aware of you, I haven't loved another. Do I love you? Yes.

Now, once again, I have belittled  myself and my well earned self-esteem to stroke the ego of yet another man who doesn't have it in him to love me in return or to put forth the effort to show it if he does. Yet you wonder why I AM willing to look elsewhere. You won't be able to blame me for your void once I AM in His arms and loving care. In case you haven't noticed, dear Boy or Man, I AM alive. I breathe, so I need air. I grow, so I need Sun. I thirst, so I need water. You demand my beauty, natural or perferably otherwise but refuse to nurture the life that I AM. The question is, Do you love me? Don't wait until I redirect my vision to answer. Do you love me? Don't wait to see me cared for by someone else my age but perferably otherwise, to be the Others who also regret leaving. You have my attention, for now. For what it's worth, you have my time. But much like the tests and trials we undergo in life, time runs out.

I AM a Particular kind of woman. I require a Particular level of attention and affection from a Particular kind of Man. Figure how I should refer to you before I decide for you. How old are You? Why haven't you decided? And why are you hiding? If you don't love me, say it to me and stop lying to people and sneaking kisses and sweet nothings and wishing me pleasant dreams. If you do, then make a move before someone else does what you won't. Do you love me?

As so above, so below,

The Huntress

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